Women who master rhythm conquer beauty Women who master rhythm conquer beauty Reviewed by Asami on 30.5.24 Rating: 5
What you must never do when you walk What you must never do when you walk Reviewed by Asami on 28.5.24 Rating: 5
Pourquoi il ne faut pas faire atterrir le pied au sol à partir du talon ? Pourquoi il ne faut pas faire atterrir le pied au sol  à partir du talon ? Reviewed by Asami on 27.5.24 Rating: 5

What is grace?

     What we can never lie about, it is the ambiance that we create. No matter how beautifully you do make-up No matter how beautifully you ...
What is grace? What is grace? Reviewed by Asami on 26.5.24 Rating: 5
How many centimetres of heel do you prefer? How many centimetres of heel do you prefer? Reviewed by Asami on 24.5.24 Rating: 5

Message from your high-heels

Do you get tired when you wear high-heels? Do you feel pain in your feet and  your back when you walk in high-heels? A pair of high-heels is...
Message from your high-heels Message from your high-heels Reviewed by Asami on 23.5.24 Rating: 5

Anything more valuable

One of my clients sent me a message. I don't know what to say. Asami's beauty is truly dazzling. I don't know if there's any...
Anything more valuable Anything more valuable Reviewed by Asami on 20.5.24 Rating: 5
True love, True truth, True beauty True love, True truth, True beauty Reviewed by Asami on 18.5.24 Rating: 5

Surrender to the Universe

Surrendering means accepting what is, trusting the flow of things, and  clearing our connection to the present moment. By surrendering, we g...
Surrender to the Universe Surrender to the Universe Reviewed by Asami on 16.5.24 Rating: 5

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