Sports training at home

It would be difficult for
many people to believe that
I can give high-heels lessons online.

But I assure you.
It is possible.

I have given more than
 5,000 private high-heels lessons.

From this experience
 I can give lessons online
without any drop in level!

When I check my client from the front,
I concentrate if she can
move her leg forward elegantly.

When I check my client from the side
I concentrate if she can
 have a good posture.
Especially the back and head positions.

When I check my client from behind
I concentrate on whether
 she can pull her abdominal muscles up,
whether her body has been turned or not etc..

It is difficult to see the
 client's body from different angles
because the computer screen is flat.

However, it is key
 that I see the client from every angle
And then I can understand very easily.

Most importantly,
the benefit of being able to
 take high heel classes
at home is very important.

You can save time going to lessons.

If you go to the gym
why not consider
 working out at home to be beautiful?


Sports training at home Sports training at home Reviewed by Asami on 2.6.24 Rating: 5

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