How can we walk in high-heels without problem ?

If you want to walk in high-heels
without problem and elegantly,
you must not land your foot on the
 ground from the heel.

This technique allows you to put the
 weight on the ball of the big toe.
Putting on the weight on the ball of the
big toe is a theory on sports techniques.

If you can’t put your weight
on the ball of the big toe,
the body’s axis can’t be established.
So you will lose body balance.

Besides, outer leg muscles are
trained so hard, your legs line deform
 into a rugby ball shape.

And you will bend the back backward
because of trying to keep the body balanced.
That’s why you will have a backache.

I can say that this skill is the technique,
so we must train with some exercises.

Knowing the right knowledge
Making it a habit

This is the key to walking in high-heels elegantly.



How can we walk in high-heels without problem ? How can we walk in high-heels  without problem ? Reviewed by Asami on 17.10.23 Rating: 5

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