What's the preparation for high-heels ?

Every sport is necessary to prepare
our body before 
the actual exercise.
Our body might be damaged
 if we don't have any preparation.

I would advise you that we ought to
exercise barefooted and stretch
every morning, if you want to walk
 in high-heels elegantly and correctly.

Because our body condition is always
 different as we wake up.
We have to awaken our sensibility
 at the beginning of the day.

In my high-heels lesson,
it is indispensable to do stretching
and some bare feet exercises
before wearing high-heels.

ASAMI-PARIS’s clients don’t walk
or move their muscles
vaguely, they walk gracefully based on
 logic with a right theory.

There’s no real way without knowing
a real theory. It’s the eternal truth
 in any field, I guess. With my theory, I can
answer any questions from any different fields.

 This is my theory of high-heels.



What's the preparation for high-heels ? What's the preparation for high-heels ? Reviewed by Asami on 14.10.23 Rating: 5

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