You can heal Hallux

I think many women aresuffering from
 Hallux Valgus(Bunion).

I feel sorry that they have to give up
wearing high-heels because of such
painful bunions.

Actually, I have some clients who
suffered from it. They wanted to
 walk in 
high-heels, but bunions
 didn’t stop them 
from reaching their dream,
so they knocked 
on my door.

They wanted me to support them.
I think 
you won’t believe me,
but this is true, 
their problem was solved
and they can walk 
in high-heels in
 their daily life now.

I am not a doctor,
I don’t have any medical
but I can cure body problems
my method of high-heels.



You can heal Hallux You can heal Hallux Reviewed by Asami on 12.10.23 Rating: 5

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