How can we walk in high-heels elegantly ?

A pair of high-heels is an art,
but walking in high-heels
elegantly expands your charisma. 

There are many techniques to developper
 our elegance in my method.

One of these is the angle of the knee
 when you move your leg forward
in high-heels. Your elegance will vanish
even the slightest space between your knees.

So put your knee inwards after taking
 your foot off from the ground and 
you have to keep your knee elegantly
 while moving your leg forward
 if you want to walk in high-heels beautifully.

never make a space between the knees.
I showed the two different
ways on Instagram.

You will understand immediately.
Because beauty does not lie.




How can we walk in high-heels elegantly ? How can we walk in high-heels elegantly ? Reviewed by Asami on 13.1.24 Rating: 5

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