What's important in preparation to walk in high-heels.

I'll explain what's important
in preparation before bringing your
leg forward to walk in high-heels.

There are two points.

The first thing is to point
 the tiptoes backwards to the maximum.

But why?

If you don't do it,
your heel will touch the ground
 as you pass your leg forward.

Our body is intelligent.
There will be a risk of drawing a circle
 by passing the leg forward
to avoid touching the ground unconsciously.

I am sure that it's not elegant.

But the most important thing is
 that you will cause the problem of leg pain.
This is because too much load is
 put on the outside of the other leg
 due to centrifugal forces.

The second thing is that you have to
bend your knee slightly
when you point the tiptoes backwards.

If you don't bend your knee like this,
you will risk touch your high-heels
to the ground as you move your leg forward.

You'll damage your precious shoes.
That's why you also need the second preparation.

don't forget the preparation
 before bringing your leg forward
to walk in high-heels.



What's important in preparation to walk in high-heels. What's important in preparation to walk in high-heels. Reviewed by Asami on 6.8.24 Rating: 5

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